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  1. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Olympic Peninsula, WA
    It seems like you are blurring the line between the design and the tool. You are familiar and comfortable with your tools, and want the new tool to be similar so that it too will be more quickly comfortable, which is understandable.

    I watched the video. Adding that with what you said above, your take away point for me, is that the ideas which lead to the design come from the designers experience and education. They bring that to the table and couple that with the clients wants and needs and then work through the challenges to bring them together. This is a similar scenario to a majority of service oriented work.

    The process, whether it be hand sketching, hand drafting, CAD, 3D modeling, or even scale model building shouldn't be the bar that determines good design. The design should determine.

    There are many things in Chief that can use improvement. But, for the majority of the people that use it, I just don't think that they want to use it to design line by line, like you do. I have a friend architect who uses AutoCAD, that will not generally use a component (a group of lines) from one project to another because, like you, he feels that he is short changing the creative process by doing so. So, I get where you're coming from. (By the way, he also thinks Chief Architect is for home owners, but is in conflict when he sees some of the models built and rendered with it.) But, that doesn't mean that it is short changing the process for others that do not share that concept of an ideal.

    This is an interesting discussion. But, what I would like to know is what changes specifically do you want to be applied to the CAD tools. Just because I may not use them the same as you will doesn't mean that I wouldn't like them to be improved.

    And that sample print?
    Kind Regards,
    Dave Pitman

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