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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2005

    What went wrong here?

    I'm new to CA (just received it this week, only have the first 2 CDs of training, waiting for the rest whenever they ship them).

    I'm drawing a garage with a shed dormer second floor in v10. I tried to auto-dormer it, but it kept complaining about not being in the same roof plane (it is, but somehow it doesn't think so). So I did the dormer with the CAD->box->rectangular polyline->Hole in roof method that I read about in another thread. It worked great, had to manually draw the shed dormer roof and walls, no big deal.

    The front wall and left side dormer walls draw fine. The right wall does not exist in the rendering, but it's in the plan.

    Also, the windows draw fine, but somehow it has the default texture behind the shakes I added, so the default siding shows through where the windows should be, and it kinda shows through some of the shingled areas.

    Attaching jpg of rendered garage. Anyone have any idea what went wrong??
    Attached Images Attached Images

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    West of Nashville, TN

    It looks like the roof is cutting your wall off on the right side. Select that section of roof, pull it to the right, then rebuild walls and see if the wall doesn't appear. Can't help you with the other question.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2005

    Thanks! I deleted the floor and redrew it two more times trying different widths and polyline holes before it did what I expected, third times a charm. Seems to work best drawing the walls first, then drawing the hole around those walls. If I draw the hole and then stretch it around the walls, I get weird results.

    Thanks again!




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